I hope that you have all had a super summer holiday and that you are all looking forward to an exciting new academic year. The end of the summer term was as emotional as ever! As I mentioned in my email in July, the staff were overwhelmed by the kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity shown to us by our parents at the end of term. You are an amazing group! We wish all our July leavers a very happy time at their new schools and we look forward to seeing them all soon!

We are ready for the new term! I hope our new families (and existing cohort!) are keen to start and will have a very happy time at St. Andrew’s. I know that our current parents, Committee and staff will make sure that our new Pre-school families feel welcome. It is always lovely to welcome back the children who were with us last year and to hear about their holidays and adventures. It is also super to welcome and to get to know our new children.

The staff team has met over the summer to prepare and plan a wide range of exciting topics and activities. Please remember that all of us have your children’s best interests at heart, so if you ever have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to talk to any of us at any time. I always like to remind families that communication with us is extremely important!

We have 5 key groups and in age order they will be led by:
• Maria Hatton
• Amanda Chenery
• Katherine Linthwaite
• Jo-Anne Stobbart
• Katarzyna Ouadahi

If you are one of our new families, you will soon receive information regarding secure password access for your child’s new Tapestry account. If you are interested in finding out a bit more about ‘Tapestry’ before then, there are several useful online tutorials.

Please do check our website from time to time to keep you up to date with changes to important documents such as the Pre-school Policies, the Welcome Book and details and dates of future events. We also send out notification of events and news by email, as well as giving out essential information at the beginning and end of each session. If you miss these notices at the start of the session, we also have a daily notices board that we display in the front hall. Our parent Facebook page will also repeat any important notices.

Finally, please note that if your child attended Pre-school in the last academic year, they will be in a new Key Group in September, as well
as having a new number for the cloakroom and register!

Don’t forget that detailed planning is displayed daily on the noticeboards in the front hall.
