(only relevant to our families with children who are aged 3 and over on 31 August 2017)
During your first week at Pre-school (or at your home visit if you are a new family), you will be given a funding form to complete. This form is provided by Reading Borough Council and enables us to claim for your child’s funded hours.
The form is double sided and requires full completion. It is important that we receive your completed form even if you have decided to use
your funding elsewhere.
Please return your completed form to a member of staff by Wednesday, 13 September, at the very latest, as we are working to a strict deadline by the Council. Without this form, we will be unable to apply for your funding for the Autumn Term and this will result in you being liable to pay for all the hours that your child attends.
Please remember that for every day your child attends Pre-school, the first half an hour is UNFUNDED. Also, if your child stays on for
lunch on Fridays, this additional hour is also UNFUNDED.
For example, if a child attends 4 mornings per week (totalling 12 hours a week), 10 hours would be funded (2.5 hrs x 4 sessions) with the remaining 2 hours being unfunded.
Invoices will be prepared and e-mailed to every family by Friday, 20 October. The deadline to pay your invoice will be Friday, 3 November.
We kindly ask our families to settle their invoice by bank transfer if possible. Please note that we do accept Childcare Vouchers and if you are planning to pay using childcare vouchers, please e-mail our Administrator, Tracy Donaldson, to check whether our Pre-school is already registered with your provider.
St Andrew’s Pre-school is a charity and relies heavily on fundraising and donations to cover the cost of items such as updated play
equipment, materials for craft activities etc.
Each term, we request a voluntary contribution from every family, to a maximum of £40.00 and this will be shown on your invoice.
It is entirely voluntary and there is no obligation to make a contribution, however any amount is gratefully received.
Please note that we are unable to claim Gift Aid on voluntary contributions paid using Childcare Vouchers.
We can reclaim Gift Aid from the Government on any voluntary contributions that we receive, providing you are a UK taxpayer. By completing a Gift Aid form we can reclaim 25p for every £1 received.
Thank you to those families who have already completed and returned their Gift Aid forms. For families returning for another year or were unable to attend the Induction Evening in June, you will be given a form during the first week of term or at your home visit.
As previously mentioned, we are unable to claim Gift Aid on voluntary contributions paid using childcare vouchers.
If your child has a younger sibling and you would like to register them with our Pre-school, please complete a registration form, by either
downloading the form from our website or ask Hilary or Amanda for a paper copy.
Upon completion, please give your form to a member of our team, together with your non-refundable registration fee of £20.00, and they will forward it to our Administrator, Tracy Donaldson, who will email you to confirm receipt of your paperwork.
Please note that registration fees can either be paid by cash, by cheque (made payable to St Andrew’s Pre-school) or by bank transfer
(Account No: 64575704. Sort Code: 09-01-55. Reference: Your child’s name).
Any registrations for the September 2018 intake must be received by the end of December 2017 at the very latest.