
Just a reminder that your invoice for the Spring Term will be e-mailed to you by Amanda Chenery, no later than Friday, 9 February, and the deadline to pay your invoice is Friday, 23 February.
Once you have paid your invoice, please e-mail Amanda confirming:

  1. your payment type e.g. bank transfer
  2. the amount paid
  3. if any part of your payment is via childcare vouchers (including the name of your provider and the amount)

If you are planning on making a Voluntary Contribution (VC) this term, please note that we are unable to claim Gift Aid when payment is made with Childcare Vouchers. We therefore, kindly ask our families to pay for the VC element of their invoice by bank transfer or cheque instead. Thank you in advance.

Fundraising Shopping!

  • Have you joined St Andrew’s Pre-school, Reading on ? It’s so easy to raise funds for Pre-school every time you shop online with so many retailers, just go via your Easyfundraising link first.
  • Microscooters: use code 116825
  • Stickins labels: code 35624
  • Yellow moon craft supplies: code STA47919
  • Pop up play village: let them know you are a St Andrew’s parent if attend an event or book a party with them.
  • Bridges Estate Agent (The Preschool Sponsor): If you or anyone you know is thinking of putting their house on the market please do mention us if you sell through Bridges!

Pre-school Library

It is great that so many families are now using our library. Please continue to enjoy it! As you all know, books are displayed in the front hall every day. Encourage your child to select a book and log it in our big blue record book. Children love to take a book home to share and it provides a lovely link between home and Pre-school.