Diary Dates
- Mon 25th Feb: Return to preschool
- Thursday 7th March: World Book Day
- Friday 15th March: Red Nose Day. Collections made through the week and we will wear red on the day
- Friday 22nd March: Race Night! Tickets available now
- Friday 5th April: Easter bonnet parade and cake sale- details to follow
- Friday 5th April: End of term
- Friday 3rd May: advance notice of summer outing- preschool closed
Pre-school Library
Please continue to enjoy using our Preschool lending library. As you all know, books are displayed in the front hall every day.
Encourage your child to select a book and log it in the blue record book. Children love to take a book home to share and it provides a lovely link between home and Pre-school.
Termly Reminders
Please remember to name your child’s coat, shoes and boots.
Please bring in waterproof trousers or outfits as outdoor play in the garden will no
doubt be wet and messy this half term!
Thank you all.
Have a lovely second half of the Spring term.