
Thanks to everyone who came to the Race Night- we raised £850 which is just an amazing amount! Thanks to our awesome organisers Alex, Heather and Assel who put together such a fun night and dedicated so much time to it.

Green Park Mini Mile and 10km 19th May: A number of the children have signed up for this 1 mile fun challenge and I believe there’s still time to sign up if you want to join us. We will look to set up a joint sponsorship page too so we can raise more valuable funds for our pre-school.

Quiz Night 20th June: Save the date! We have booked the Caversham Rose on 20th June for a quiz night. We will start to sell tickets shortly so get your team together- our organisers are Karen Lawrence, Fiona Williams and quiz master Tom Newman. I hope lots of you can make it as it should be a really fun night.

Shop and raise funds: A really easy and effective way to support us is by choosing to shop through easyfundraising.org.uk. Don’t forget to make use of the following schemes that provide us with cash back too:

  • Microscooters: use code 116825 www.micro-scooters.co.uk
  • Stickins labels: code 35624 www.stickins.co.uk
  • Yellow moon craft supplies: code STA47919 www.yellowmoon.org.uk
  • Pop up play village: let them know you are a St Andrew’s parent if you attend an event or book a party with them. www.popupplayvillage.co.uk
  • Bridges Estate Agent (The Preschool Sponsor): mention us if you or a friend sells your house through them! This is a really important one for us.