I cannot believe we have arrived at the end of our first half term already! It has been great to get to know all of you over the past seven weeks, we have a really lovely group of families and children at Preschool! The children have all settled in so well into Pre-school life and there is always such a wonderfully happy (and surprisingly calm) atmosphere in the hall. A huge thank you to all the Preschool staff for their hard work in settling in the children and ensuring smooth day to day running of the Pre-school. It has also been really wonderful to hear about all the different and exciting activities the children and staff have been up to this half term and as a parent I am so grateful for all the varied experiences my child has access to whilst at Pre-school.
Thank you so much for all your support to the Pre-school, we hugely appreciate it! Parent help has run smoothly for this half of term so thank you for your essential help with that. I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing more of Pre-school life and getting to know the children and staff better through your time spent doing Parent help.
I would like to thank the rest of Committee for their time this half term too. There is always a lot of work going on behind the scenes to support the Pre-school. It can be hard fitting in Pre-school work around jobs and home commitments and I am very grateful that you have volunteered your time.
Thank you to those who were able to make it out to the Caversham Rose on Thursday evening. It was good to see so many of you there and even better to be able to finish a conversation with no little people around! Hopefully we can try to make it a regular half term get together.
If there are any issues, questions or suggestions about anything at Pre-school please always feel free to come and chat to me or any of the Committee. We’d be very happy to chat anytime or drop me an email if that’s easier! Please keep an eye on Hilary’s weekly news, emails from Pre-school and Facebook posts as there are many exciting things being planned on the lead up to Christmas. If you are having problems accessing any of these then please do let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you all after half term and hope you have a lovely week off!
Kayleigh (Brodie’s mum)