Diary Dates
- Mon 18th Feb to Friday 22nd Feb: Half Term
- Friday 22nd March: Race Night! More info coming soon
Pre-school Library
Please continue to enjoy using our Pre-school lending library. As you all know, books are displayed in the front hall every day.
Encourage your child to select a book and log it in the blue record book. Children love to take a book home to share and it
provides a lovely link between home and Pre-school.
School application
If your child is due to start school in September 2019, the national closing date for applications is 15th January 2019. You must either apply online or submit a paper form by this date. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered
until after 1st May 2019 when all the places at your preferred school may have been allocated – Reading Borough council strongly advise you submit your application before 15th January 2019.